Ways to teach children to read and write
Children are the foundation of society, and they are the ones who will develop and advance society when they grow up. It must be that raising children together and teaching them the right education. The first education is teaching the child to read and write. A child at the age of five will have entered into a new stage of His life, which is the stage of education, which begins by teaching him the basics of writing and reading, and this matter is very important for the child to complete his scientific path easily and easily, and the methods of teaching the child to read and write are different and multiple and depend on the child's mental nature and his ability to memorize and focus, so we have chosen several ways to teach the child Read and write even if the method did not work with a child, there is an alternative way.
Methods of teaching the child to read the method of segmentation
Is that the word is divided into sections, for example, the word "Mama" is divided into the child in the form of "Mama", then teaching the child that she is installed to become Mama, and so on in all the words.
The use of common words on the child's tongue
For example, most of the words pronounced by the child, the words "mama", "baba", and these words are written in large and colorful handwriting, and the child's education is me. This word is baba, and it is read like this.
Newspaper method
It is for a member of the child’s family to read newspapers aloud, which makes the child want to imitate adults and that is as a catalyst for the child to read.
How to use games
There are a lot of games that teach reading, so he must keep bringing the child because that will teach him to read the way he loves it, which is playing.
Picture and word
This method depends on linking the word with the image that gives its meaning if it indicates a physical thing or a scene if it indicates a concept as a next stage, and this method is used by schools because it has an effect on the child, the child loves drawings and pictures, so the word remains entrenched in the child's brain, and when He sees it again, he will remember it immediately and read it easily.
Methods of teaching the child writing the method of holding the hand
Here begins teaching a child one letter and holding his hand to write it and repeat this process more than ten times per letter until he can write the letter himself.
Points method
So that the letter is written to the child in the form of points and he connects these points to each other to form the letter, and the dotted letter must be written more than twenty times, and frequent repetition makes the child able to write the letter at the last time alone without the points.
Note: Males find it more difficult to learn to read and write than females, so do not compare a child to a child in their ability to memorize, as this is a nature for both of them.