How and when to trim your baby's nails?

It is important to protect the baby's soft skin, especially his face, from scratches in the first weeks of his birth, and this is put cotton gloves on the hand of the newborn or small socks to protect it, and some mothers use the swaddling to keep the hands away from the face, but with this, the nails clipping is very important, because The nails of the newborn at this stage grow very quickly and are thin and sharp at the same time.

Do not hesitate or be afraid to trim your baby's nails due to their small age or movement, here are some basic information to help you complete this process smoothly:

Baby nails grow very quickly and you may need to trim them more than once a week.
The toenails of the newborn are slowly prolonged, and you may need to trim them no more than twice a month.
You may notice that your toenails sprained over the nail, and this is normal for the delicacy and softness of the nail.
Your baby's nails will get stiffer soon and you will be able to distinguish the boundaries of the nails whether or not it is still attached to the finger.

How and when to trim your baby's nails?

The easiest way to keep your baby's manicure short in the first days of his birth is to remove the ends of the nails by dragging them with your fingers, because they are very soft and easy to remove.
You can also use the baby's nail scissors or nail clipper, which has a round end intended for the child's nails.
You can also use a small nail file to cool the nails, especially in the first days of your baby's life before they get stronger.

  • If you use the nail clipper or special scissors, you should do this exercise with extreme caution, apply pressure on the tip of the finger tip to keep it out of the nail and hold the hand of your baby tightly while pruning.
  •  It may make it easier for you to have another person with you, like your husband or girlfriend, so that one of you can gently hold the baby to reduce his movement, while the other cuts his nails.

You can also trim his nails when he is as calm as breastfeeding or sleeping.

  • If you cut the skin surrounding the nails, do not worry, press the area gently with a clean, damp cotton swab, and do not use "plaster" to avoid suffocating your child because of it.
  •  Curl your baby's toenails in a curved way, and toenails straight, to avoid infections and nail growth inside the skin.

Avoid biting his nails with your mouth, as you may cause infections, as well as not seeing what you are doing may cause him harm.